Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Recap 2008 1/1

My Pastor posted a list on his blog as a tool to use in times when we may want a little reflection. I feel this is a good tool and one I would like to pass on...

1. I'm afraid that.... I'm afraid that what I can do/provide is not enough. This is an insecurity I fight with and am working on leaning on God during times of doubt.

2. It makes me angry that.... It makes me angry that when I have a good idea I have trouble communicating it. Many ideas I have would be great in effecting change to help others.

3. I'm ashamed that.... I don't know if I am ashamed, but I am sad that I haven't finished as much schooling as I would like to have finished.

4. I feel guilty that.... I feel guilty that I can look back to certain choices I've made that were not good choices. I guess everyone has gone through this at one point or another. I am not one that makes choices lightly. When I make them, it is something I have thought about; however with that said I haven't always made the best choice, but hindsight is 20/20.

5. It makes me happy that... I joined The Rock Church in Monroe, WA. Over the last 6 years we have gone through lots of life! Life challenges, highs and lows, and through it all my life has had a stability to it that can only be found in Christ.

6. I'm grateful that... I have relationships. With God, my family and friends, because without them life would get lonely.

7. I'm secure in... My salvation. Nothing in life is permanent, but a relationship with Christ is something you can "take to the bank".

8. I'm proud of... My Kids! They are growing fast! Being able to see them grow is the best and I learn something new from them everyday.

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