Monday, March 9, 2009

Calling? Called!

Next week the church my family attends is opening up a new location in the town where we live and I wanted to make sure this is where God wants us to be, so I started praying about it.
Have you ever wondered what it is your here on earth to do, or what your calling in life is? Me too! If you asked me, I would say I am just an average gal trying to do my best. Try to make time, try to eat right and exercise more, among other stuff. But did you know that God calls us to a higher place? Isaiah 55:9 says "For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts". So, I did a search online and found a website that outlined how to pray and seek God's will. This gave me a blueprint - then I got out my bible - prayed and read. After I finished the first part of this process - I came to this conclusion...
I have been called to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to serve others. It is through my service, that I will find my purpose. These are my thoughts and notes for the night to help me find my place. I don't' know all the answers that I am seeking to find, but at least I know my first step.

Be blessed!

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