Thursday, May 7, 2009

Letter to God

Dear God (Father in Heaven),

Thank you for everything! You have loved me even when I am unlovable, you have provided for me when I have nothing, you have saved me!

I want to grow closer to you. I want to know that I am on the right path. I choose to trust you Lord and to seek your ways. Please hear my prayer.

I am turning to you for clarity. For the last year, I have felt that maybe we are being called to serve in something that we are not currently in, or somewhere we are not currently at. We are seeking your path for our lives and need that direction to become clear.

Help us to heal any unforgivness that may be lingering in our heart. Sometimes I am not even aware of offenses I have held onto. Please help me in this area.

I also seek for you to help me, my husband and my children lead well. Help us lead well in our lives. So much stuff is out there and our lives can take numerous turns, I just want to stop and seek you first. Help my husband and I lead our children well. Help our children lead others well. We want to have a positive impact on others lives through you Lord.

Thank You for loving me and taking time for me. I appreciate all you do, and have done!

your daughter

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