There are days I wake up and wonder where do I turn? The house has become a scene from the 2003 remake of "Cheaper by the Dozen", except in real life kids playing hockey in the house is not as funny as it was when Steve Martin's Character Tom Baker explained to his new neighbor "Well, if it gets larger than 3 on 3, they have to take it outside"! Yeah - Umm, No! :) It's in those moments, I gather up my favorite Scripture "reference" book, and bible and go into the bedroom kneel on my knees asking God to help me have the patients to deal. This week has been one of those weeks, however; I found some awesome scripture that I wrote down and plan on hanging up on my bathroom mirror. It's from Ephesians 3:16-20 and another that I found yesterday Psalm 3. Wow~! So, I was inspired today to create this blog to be one where parents/teachers/and any who are around children could connect to me and possibly others, because God knows we need to be connected! Weather you are married, or single we are all in this together! Let's teach our children in the way they should go, so they will not depart from it. Grace and Peace to you!