Thursday, December 10, 2009

Personal Growth

I just Googled the definition to Personal Growth on an online dictonary. I got the definition of Individual gradual increase. But, even better... Personal growth equals change in action. Life is about Change and the only thing one can count on in life is change. I have been in a season of change and a season of discovery which has lead me to read more. Two books that I've been reading are The Emotionally Healthy Church and Emotionaly Healthy Spirituality both written by Peter Scazzero. They are the kind of books I need around as reference to go back and read from time to time and books that offer an opportunity for group study which I am intrested in starting.

Anyway, part of my discovery was to gather the tools in becoming an Emotionally Healthy adult in Christ which is a life long process. We never stop learning! But I needed a next level! I was desprately hungry to grow and was hitting a wall which lead me to pull away and doubt. I had expectations that were not being met. Did I communicate these expectations clearly to those I heald accountable? That is a question I have to ask myself. There are several things that can happen that cause us to look at something differently, or cause us to change the course that we are on. My despration for a direction of personal growth was high and I beleieve God was calling for me to "walk through" in order to get to the other side of understanding. Beth Moore has bible study materials I am using were I am learning how to communicate with God. When we are not upfront and honest with Him it makes us vunerable. I try to let Him know 1. How very Thankful I am for all He has gotten me through! My memory is short, so many times when I am up against difficult circumstances I need to remind myself of all He has done for me, which puts things into perspective. I realize that He will not leave me or forsake me and He is bigger than my circumstances! 2. What I need! No matter what. No matter how big or small it may be, my communication with him needs to be honest, because he desires a close relationship. and 3. What he wants me to know. For this I have to find a quiet place. Read my Bible and let Him guide me. This is a disapline that takes time.

We have been called to "Love Well" and it is my hope that I can do just that!

In Closing let me offer a prayer that Peter uses in his book. Emotionally Healthy Spriituality.

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me. I am aware, Lord, of how often I treat people as its, as objects, instead of looking at them with eyes and a heart of Christ. Lord, I have unhealthy ways of relating that are deeply inbedded in me. Please change me. Make me a vessel to spread mature, steady reliable love so that people with whom I come in contact sense your tenderness and kindness. Deliver me from false peace making that is driven by fear. Lord Jesus, help me love well like you, Grow me, I pray, into an emotionally mature adult through the Holy Spirit's power. In Jesus' name, amen".