As a recap of the year of 2008 I am going to list 10 things. Some great, others sad and some scary; but through all of them I grew as a person and learned a lot. In addition to that, I would like to say, change is hard regardless. The loss of a family member is a change I did not expect this year, or was prepared for. Physical death is a part of life, but I found it is a hard transition for the ones still living. The only comfort and joy in that transition is the knowledge that my Dad is living in God's presence where there is no pain.
Onto my list....
1. Trip to Disneyland. This was our first big vacation with the kids!
2. Dad's re-dedication When Dad had received news that he had 2-4 months left to live, I went on a mission! I spoke to some of the Pastor's at the church and two in particular took me under their wing and helped guide me through this process. No time could be wasted! Dad had been baptized Presbyterian years prior and when I was younger we all attended church - however, Dad needed hope, he needed to know God loved him and that he had a future. I prayed everyday and night like I had never done before. I prayed for healing, and for Dad's heart to be open to what God had to say. I gave prayers for my mom to pray with my Dad, and I had prayers I prayed with him as well. I asked some of our Church elders to meet with my Dad and Mom, and through it all - 1 week before my Dad passed from this life he asked God into his heart! This was a win/win! Knowing this has helped me deal with losing him - even for a short time (in the grand scheme of things).
3. Dad's passing This hit me hard - even though I knew he was okay. Why was it hard when I have faith? Well, I firmly believed in his healing. I was probably the last to admit that his body was dieing. I felt his testimony would help bring many to Christ. My heart was broken August 8, 2008 when I found out my Dad had past a little after 3am, but at the same time there was peace. It is a very hard thing to explain. He died in his sleep after seeing all of us right before. He had been transported to the hospital and we had all been there that prior day/night. He was responsive and able to communicate a little by using facial expressions. This was a blessing and will always be grateful that I had so much time with him in the short time we had. Dad past knowing he was loved and cared for and honestly I think this helped him. I still miss him a whole lot and honestly that will never change, but I am okay. God designed life to go on, and that our loved ones move from here into our future. I will see him again! As for healing, Dad was healed! Maybe not in a physical sense, but his heart was healed, and his Salvation secure and that is what matters most. Our kids were close to grandpa/papa and this has been a challenging transition for them as well. Each of our kids deals with this transition differently. There are a couple of good books out there on how to handle this sensitive subject with young children and if anyone would like to know what I have read, please email me and I will give you the titles and authors. Kids understand at their own level. Andrew being 9 gets it and wishes he had more time with my Dad, but knows he is in a better place. Austin at 6 speaks of him sometimes as if he is still here, but knows he isn't where we can see him and that he is in heaven, and Katie wants to visit him. That is the hardest! Katie is 4 and knows he is with Jesus. Time and space are a concept that aren't as defined. I think God protects the heart and minds of little children and I am grateful for that!
4. John Brevere John Brevere is a great speaker - as is his wife. I've been able to attend two conferences where John Brevere spoke and the revelation that happens when hearing what God has imparted to him is life changing. I have also heard CD's of his wife and her story is inspiring! When John came to speak at our Church in September I witnessed God's will and it was awesome!
5. Santa Train This was a fun time for my husband, kids, mom, brother, sister-in-law, and neice to get together and do something as a family. The kids are still young and these are the moments that we want to capture as many memories as possible.
6. Sabrina's (my niece) 1st birthday! I can't believe it! Sabrina is 1 and what a doll she is! Happy Birthday little niece!:)
7. Christmas pictures We had Christmas pictures of the girls taken and then some of all the grandkids taken. It was a special gift for my mom this Christmas.
8. Andrew's sledding accident This was a heart stopping moment, when one minute I was having fun with my family and the next My child is laying on the ground motionless. I watched our oldest sled down a hill and crash into a cement barrier that I didn't see until he was laying on the ground. It had been covered with snow. It happened so fast! There is no doubt in my mind God was watching over him that day! Andrew came out of this with minor injuries, although in the process of finding this out he was airlifted to Harborview and spent a night in the hospital. Ruben and I at his bedside. I am happy to say that he is doing well. We learned a valuable lesson in never underestimating the danger in contact sports. We will be wearing helmets from now on when going sledding and will be more aware of our surroundings. This was a popular sledding hill and one where there were many kids and adults that were sledding the exact run Andrew went down. I am grateful that this lesson has a happy ending!
9. Christmas Christmas was great! We incorporated a birthday celebration for Jesus and our kids loved it! It was good being home!
10. Trip to Victoria A small getaway for Ruben and I for 1 night. This was my mom's gift to me for completing my Montessori Training.
I will update this as I get time and add pictures/side notes. I just wanted to get the list out there before 2009 is officially here. Happy New Year and be Blessed!