Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Do it again"!

Have you ever done something so many times that you got to a point where you don't even think about it anymore you just do it? When I was a kid my flute teacher use to call this occurrence "muscle memory". I practiced so many times that pretty soon when I read the notes on the page my fingers just knew where to go. I didn't have to think about it anymore. That was the best! I loved it, until she said "Great Heather, now do it again"! I told her many times that I would buy her something with that phrase on it, since it seemed to become a coined phrase of her's! Well, this morning I am also experiencing a little bit of this. I have been typing now for 20 years. I wouldn't say I am the best, but after 20 years you get a little bit of "muscle memory" and don't need to look at your hands while you type. Recently, I have changed my email carrier and so my email address has changed. Boy, it's hard to change that automatic response. That is why my flute teacher would warn me not to practice a piece wrong. Once you get use to playing a note, it's hard to retrain yourself to play it a different way. I'm kinda going through that right now....

Thinking about how I can encourage you this morning I first thought what is it that Jesus wants for us to do over and over again? What quality does he want for us to exercise? There are several answers to this as I sit here and look through scripture and my little devotional book for an encouraging word. Some may say kindness. Kindness would fit. A gift of the spirit that should be exercised often, but I am going to stretch it even further and say Forgiveness. Kindness would be limited if it weren't for forgiveness. I am going to close with this thought. "Forgiveness is giving love when there is no reason to" God's little Devotional Book for Women ... "Blessed are the merciful, for the shall obtain mercy". Matthew 5:7
